
Referral Partner

Partner signs up new customer and gets one time referral fee.

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Integration Partner

This partner will work with us to integrate our common customers with our EDI system. Each organization is responsible for billing their own respective services.

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Third Party Logistics Integration Partner

Third Party Logistics company will be offered by Infocon to develop integration with their logistics system at no charge. Once the integration is developed both organizations can refer customers to each other. Infocon will also dedicate a webpage for the Third Party Logistics company highlighting their services including prebuilt integration with their system.

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ERP Integration Partner

Infocon will develop integration with an ERP system at no charge to the ERP partner. The ERP partner will provide us resources to coordinate successful integration. Once the organizations have agreed, Infocon will place on its website a page for the ERP partner highlighting prebuilt integration already in place.

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Sales Brokers/Agents

These organizations are helping our common clients to get business from big box retailers. These companies can offer our EDI solution to their customers and bill their client for the service to implement the EDI solution.

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Private Label Resellers

Infocon will offer large resellers volume discounts and private label the Infocon EDI Solution. These resellers will require an annual commitment of selling 100,000 transactions and go through basic sales and training process to be able to resell the Infocon EDI Solution.

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Any Trading Partner, Any Integration, Any Industry